Kommentare: 3
  • #3

    Steven Wilson (Freitag, 04 August 2017 23:38)

    Daring and honesty, abstract vision and precision, sense for architectural composition and artistic intuition... You, Hellena, definitely have all it takes to express yourself and your ideas.
    Your perception of movement can be followed through most of your works, therefore I utterly urge your transition to movies and animations. Pursue your inner inspiration, work as spontaneously as possible and keep up the great work!

  • #2

    Günter Stöber (Donnerstag, 18 Mai 2017 18:46)

    Liebe Helena,

    ich kann mich an den Filmen nicht sattsehen. Klasse!

  • #1

    Sergio (Dienstag, 28 April 2015 22:55)

    Умничка! Большому кораблю большое плаванье! Пускай ветер восьмого элемента никогда не затихает в твоих парусах! Удачи!

Most of my paintings, drawings and prints are up for sale.


Please contact me if you are interested or have any further questions. 


